The story of Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid starts with the cursed, young Viktor and continues with many predictable but engaging story events up till season 3.
Season 3 of this anime, in fact, all of the seasons of this has this unique animation style that will make you assume the story of the anime is in the theme of Grimm Fairytale, but it’s only the animation, the story is entirely something else.
Table of Contents
Season 3 Of Shinigami Bocchan To Kuro Maid Doesn’t Have Any Twists
This is a story of a curse and breaking a curse, and the protagonist is a cursed youth, Viktor, unable to touch any living object, as you know.
But the curse is not the only point of focus here, the reason behind that, or the happenings after the curse takes much more importance in the story.
Breaking the curse is only a means to end the story, it’s not the story’s entirety.
However, the reason or reasons behind the need to break the curse make the story eventful.
If you think those reasons are shocking or extraordinary, then you couldn’t be more wrong, those are extremely predictable.
For example, the witch Sade cursed Viktor in childhood and the reason behind that was most predictable.
As we know Sade was an acquaintance of Viktor’s Grandfather and was devasted by his being occupied with Alice’s mother Sharon instead of her.
After his death, she stopped believing in others and wanted someone just like her, so in desperation, he cursed child Viktor with loneliness and not being able to reach out to or touch others, which she was suffering.
Even the appearance of Viktor’s dead grandfather and grandmother wasn’t much of a shock, more like a plot promise, which was necessary for plot progress.
To some Rob’s decision may seem unexpected, where he decided to follow Viktor even after he left the family home, however, there was some foreshadowing of this decision of Rob in some of the episodes of the season 3 of Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid.
Destination Of Out Of The Norm Romance
After the curse was broken for Viktor, touching Alice, hugging Alice, and holding hands with her were shown very naturally, for which the sequence was more believable.
However, a deadline was given to him by his mother and if within that deadline he couldn’t break his course, he would be denied his ownership right and disowned by his family.
Though he managed to break the curse within that timeframe, another problem was waiting for him and Alice, they couldn’t be together, and according to the family law, a servant and master can’t marry.
But Viktor didn’t need the ownership, what he needed was only his mother’s acceptance, and when he learned that he had that all along, he didn’t hesitate to give up his right to his younger brother Walter.
Even though his mother Gerbera decided to change the rule of disowning, but couldn’t technically stop him from leaving the family home according to the rule.
Now next is Walter’s turn.
His love with a witch also wasn’t something that could be blessed by his mother, but, Daleth wasn’t going to give up that easily as she decided to become human.
Finally, Sade, presenting her and her sister as royalty did the trick?
Maybe, Gerbera already decided to follow Walter’s judgment and give up on the old rule, and maybe Sade provided her with a better excuse to do that.
Other Character’s Relation With Viktor The Protagonist
The most touching bonding to see was Viktor’s bonding with his strict mother Gerbera, who he thought hated him, and he couldn’t be more wrong about that.
Gerbera is a woman with a lot of tragedy piling up on her, from her sickly husband whom even we the viewers couldn’t see even at the end, to his cursed oldest son, and she never had the expertise to handle all of these as she herself also wasn’t exposed to worldly affairs while growing up.
Maybe, all of these made her strict and out of desperation and she may have said some unnecessary words to Viktor in his childhood, and his child’s mind had a deep impression of those words.
But she is also a woman who loves flowers, she even named her youngest daughter after a flower’s name, Viola, this version wasn’t exposed before season 3 of Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid.
But the next problem is, that Gerbera loves her older son as a mother but as the matriarch of the family, she can’t pardon his decision to marry Alice, which creates a conflict in her mind.
In season 3, Rob and Viktor’s bond was put to a test, when Viktor had to leave the family house with Alice.
The scene where Viktor was rubbing Rob’s shoulder, really touched my heart, as it was the first instance of contact between Rob and Viktor, with a gesture mostly seen between child and parent.
However, it is also a moment of dilemma, where Viktor wants Rob to come with them, but also wants to set him free for Rob spent his entire youth for Viktor.
Except for these deep bonds, there are some feel-good bonds, like with Zachou, with whom he promised to shake hands after his curse breaks.
As Viktor planned to pursue his career in music after getting out of his family home, he met up with Zachou in search of a property to live on and some music gig to work.
What took away the cherry on the cake was the kiss scene involving Viktor and Alice on their wedding day, because no doubt that was a most long-awaited and hard-earned kiss, and was a great way to conclude the story with proof of the unbreakable bond between Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid.
Final Thought
After watching the entire season 3 of Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid, it felt as if a fairy tale with a practical happy ending was presented.
At some point, it may have felt like some musical, but the approach was entirely different.
Not a fairy tale, not a happily ever after, and devoid of any suspense, but still gripping storytelling.
If you ask me, it was worth the watch for its simple and captivating storytelling, if not for its predictable but ever-changing story direction.
If you are interested in fantasy anime then don't forget to check out my comparison blog post between the old and new versions of Spice and Wolf.